I wrote this one, long time ago. It's my first poem. Yesterday while clearing up some data from the laptop, I found this one. Its hard to recall now, what made me to write it down.
O’ Brother
O’ Brother,
You built those Bridges,
Bridges which connected Hearts,
Hearts which always beat for your Presence,
Presence of the person whom everyone Loves,
O’ Brother, don’t close those Bridges….
O’ Brother,
You built those Bridges,
Bridges which showed us the ways,
Ways which always lead to Prosperity,
Prosperity brought Love for all,
O’ Brother, don’t close those Bridges….
O’ Brother,
You built those Bridges,
Bridges which will drive [ us too far from Home,
Home which always gave us Warmth,
Warmth that built the bonds between us,
O’ Brother, don’t close those Bridges….
O’ Brother,
You built those Bridges,
Bridges which can take us back to Home,
Home, the place we always Love,
Let’s travel those Bridges again,
Let’s go back Home, to our loved ones,
O’ Brother, Let’s built the ways thro’ those Bridges….
O’ Brother
O’ Brother,
You built those Bridges,
Bridges which connected Hearts,
Hearts which always beat for your Presence,
Presence of the person whom everyone Loves,
O’ Brother, don’t close those Bridges….
O’ Brother,
You built those Bridges,
Bridges which showed us the ways,
Ways which always lead to Prosperity,
Prosperity brought Love for all,
O’ Brother, don’t close those Bridges….
O’ Brother,
You built those Bridges,
Bridges which will drive [ us too far from Home,
Home which always gave us Warmth,
Warmth that built the bonds between us,
O’ Brother, don’t close those Bridges….
O’ Brother,
You built those Bridges,
Bridges which can take us back to Home,
Home, the place we always Love,
Let’s travel those Bridges again,
Let’s go back Home, to our loved ones,
O’ Brother, Let’s built the ways thro’ those Bridges….